Innovative Funeral

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Honor us, put your trust into our Kare

We are able to provide the serenity of the funeral home-style atmosphere anywhere it is needed. Be it at the nursing home, a private home, or overlooking breathtaking views of North Carolina's natural beauty. Designed by a Funeral Director with attention to those aspects of funeral service that have left some under-serviced, we hope to revolutionize the funeral industry and make the loss of a loved one a bit more bearable by being there, wherever that may be.

• Convenience: We come directly to the family. This eliminates the need to travel to a traditional funeral home, reducing stress during an already difficult time.

• Personalized Service: A more intimate and meaningful experience in a setting that reflects the deceased, for a more memorable and comforting farewell.

• Comfort and Privacy: Being in a familiar setting allows families to grieve together without the presence of strangers offering a more intimate atmosphere to support mourning and remembrance.

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